Ligature fifty is for classic books in the public domain · Many of these have had their copyright expire under the old fifty-year rule that made many essential works freely available. These books are here to download free to give you an idea of our house style and design. We are always adding to our collection and appreciate recommendations for books in the public domain.
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- Seduced by Logic
- Barbed Wire and Cherry Blossoms · 鉄条網と桜
- Day’s End
- Consolation
- Peace
- The Mistake
- Where Have You Been?
- Out of the Silence
- The Age of Discretion
- Travel Under Any Star
- Our Little Secret
- Deeper Water
- Darkness on the Edge of Town
- Terra-Farma
- Approximate Life: The Prince and Other Stories
- Expéditions dans les mers du Sud
- There Should Be More Dancing
- Sibling Assassins
- Orphan Warriors
- Unsettled
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